Dialogues with a nurse during a hospital admission

Dialogues with a nurse during a hospital admission

Discussing Medical History

Patient: Good morning, I’m here for my admission.
Nurse: Good morning! Let’s start with your medical history. Do you have any chronic conditions we should know about?
Patient: Yes, I have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
Nurse: Okay, are you currently taking any medication for these conditions?
Patient: Yes, I’m on Metformin and Lisinopril.
Nurse: Great, we’ll make a note of that. Any allergies to medications?
Patient: No, none that I’m aware of.

scene in a hospital setting, depicting a conversation between a patient and a nurse

Understanding Care Procedures

Patient: Can you explain what the procedure will involve?
Nurse: Certainly! You’re scheduled for a gallbladder removal. It’s a laparoscopic surgery, so it’s minimally invasive.
Patient: Will I be under general anesthesia?
Nurse: Yes, you will be. After the surgery, you’ll be in recovery where we’ll monitor you until you’re awake.
Patient: How long will the recovery take?
Nurse: Typically, patients are observed for a few hours before being moved to a regular room.

a conversation between a patient and a nurse

Learning About Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Patient: I’m a little nervous about my stay. What are my rights as a patient?
Nurse: You have the right to be informed about your care, to privacy, and to make decisions about your treatment.
Patient: And what are my responsibilities?
Nurse: We ask that you provide accurate health information, follow your recommended treatment plan, and respect hospital policies and staff.
Patient: Thank you, that makes me feel more at ease.

image in a hospital setting. The scene features two characters_ a patient and a nurse

Inquiring About Post-Operative Care

Patient: What should I expect after the surgery?
Nurse: Post-operatively, we’ll manage any pain or discomfort you have. We’ll also gradually have you start moving and walking.
Patient: Will there be special instructions for when I go home?
Nurse: Absolutely. You’ll receive guidelines for diet, wound care, and any necessary follow-up appointments.

A cartoon image set in a hospital room. The scene shows a concerned patient lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by medical equipment.

Inquiring About Test Procedures

Patient: Could you tell me more about the MRI test I’m scheduled for?
Nurse: Of course. An MRI is a non-invasive imaging test. You’ll need to lie still in the MRI machine for about 30 minutes.
Patient: Is there anything special I need to do to prepare?
Nurse: Just remove any metal objects or jewelry. If you feel claustrophobic, let us know so we can make you more comfortable.

A patient, a middle-aged Caucasian male, is standing and talking to a nurse, a young Black female

Addressing Pain Management

Patient: I’m experiencing quite a bit of pain in my leg.
Nurse: I’m sorry to hear that. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?
Patient: It’s around a 7.
Nurse: I’ll inform your doctor and see if we can adjust your pain medication to make you more comfortable.

illustration of a patient and a nurse in a hospital setting

Discussing Sleep Arrangements

Patient: I’ve been having trouble sleeping in the hospital.
Nurse: I understand, it can be difficult. Are you experiencing discomfort or noise issues?
Patient: It’s a bit noisy, and the bed isn’t very comfortable.
Nurse: Let me see if we can find you a quieter room and maybe an extra pillow for better comfort.

illustration of a patient and a nurse having a conversation in a hospital room

Understanding Post-Operation Mobility

Patient: I’m worried about walking after my knee surgery.
Nurse: It’s normal to be concerned. We’ll start with some gentle physiotherapy as soon as you’re able. It’s important to get moving to aid your recovery.
Patient: Will it be painful?
Nurse: There might be some discomfort, but we’ll manage your pain and ensure you’re supported throughout the process.

A patient with a concerned expression is sitting on a hospital bed, their leg in a post-surgery knee brace

Useful Phrases

πŸ€’ β€œI’m feeling unwell/sick.” – Expressing general discomfort or illness.
πŸ’Š β€œCan you explain what this medication is for?” – Inquiring about prescribed medications.
🌑️ β€œCould you check my temperature, please?” – Requesting a temperature check.
πŸ˜– β€œI’m in pain here.” – Indicating a specific area of pain.
πŸ₯— β€œI have dietary restrictions/allergies.” – Informing about dietary needs or allergies.
πŸ’€ β€œI’m having trouble sleeping.” – Discussing sleep-related issues.
😨 β€œI’m feeling anxious/nervous about this procedure.” – Expressing anxiety or nervousness.
πŸ“‹ β€œCan you explain the test results to me?” – Asking for clarification on test results.
🚢 β€œWhen can I start walking/moving around?” – Inquiring about mobility post-treatment or surgery.
πŸ₯ β€œWhat do I need to know about my discharge plan?” – Asking about discharge instructions and aftercare.
πŸ“ž β€œCan I contact you or the team if I have questions after I leave?” – Requesting information on post-discharge communication.
πŸ’‰ β€œWill this procedure hurt?” – Asking about discomfort or pain associated with a procedure.
πŸ“… β€œWhen is my next appointment or procedure?” – Confirming schedule for follow-up appointments or treatments.
πŸ›Œ β€œCan you help me get more comfortable in bed?” – Requesting assistance for physical comfort.
πŸ™‹ β€œWho should I talk to about my overall treatment plan?” – Seeking information on whom to discuss comprehensive care plans.


  1. πŸ€• Pain – To describe any physical discomfort or pain.
  2. πŸ’Š Medication – Referring to any drugs or pills prescribed.
  3. 🌑️ Temperature – When talking about body temperature or fever.
  4. 🚽 Bathroom – If needing assistance to go to the restroom.
  5. πŸ₯€ Hydration – Discussing needs for water or fluids.
  6. 😴 Sleep – Mentioning issues or needs related to sleep.
  7. 🍲 Food – Talking about meals, diet, or appetite.
  8. πŸ’‰ Injection – Referring to any shots or IVs.
  9. πŸ“ˆ Symptoms – Describing any signs of illness or changes in health.
  10. 😊 Comfort – Expressing a need for comfort or relief.
  11. πŸ›Œ Rest – Discussing the need for rest or relaxation.
  12. 😬 Worry – Expressing concerns or fears about health or procedures.
  13. πŸ“† Schedule – Asking about the timing of treatments or tests.
  14. πŸ“ž Contact – Requesting contact information for follow-up or questions.
  15. πŸ₯ Discharge – Inquiring about the process of leaving the hospital.
  1. 🩺 Examination – Referring to a physical check-up or assessment.
  2. 🧴 Lotion/Cream – Requesting skin care products for dryness or irritation.
  3. πŸ˜“ Sweating – Mentioning excessive sweating, possibly indicating fever or discomfort.
  4. πŸ₯± Fatigue – Expressing tiredness or lack of energy.
  5. 🀒 Nausea – Discussing feelings of sickness or the urge to vomit.
  6. 🀧 Allergies – Talking about allergic reactions or sensitivities.
  7. 🩹 Bandage – Requesting a bandage for a wound or injury.
  8. πŸ€’ Fever – Specifically mentioning having a fever.
  9. 🩸 Bleeding – Discussing any kind of bleeding issue.
  10. 🦡 Mobility – Talking about the ability to walk or move.
  11. πŸ‘‚ Hearing – Discussing issues related to hearing.
  12. πŸ‘οΈ Vision – Talking about sight or visual issues.
  13. 🧠 Headache/Migraine – Mentioning a headache or migraine.
  14. 🌬️ Breathing – Discussing respiratory issues or shortness of breath.
  15. 🩺 Vitals – Referring to vital signs like heart rate and blood pressure.