Category «Hobbies 🏊»

English dialogues at a beach

A: I want to relax and get a tan. Is there a quiet spot you recommend?
B: The far end of the beach is usually less crowded. We can set up there.

English dialogues at a gym

A: I’m aiming for better flexibility. Is there a class for that?
B: Yes, we have yoga and pilates classes that focus on flexibility and core strength.

English dialogues at a cinema

English dialogues at a cinema

A: We want tickets for tonight/tomorrow evening.
B: Sorry, the tickets are sold out.

A: Can we have two tickets for the Batman, please?
B: That’s 20 EUR. Here you are.

English dialogues at the library

English dialogues at the library

A: I want to inscribe in your library. What is the fee?
B: It’s $14 per month.

A: What papers are necessary for enrollment?
B: You need a library registration form.

A: How long the card is valid?
B: The card is valid for one calendar year.